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Research involves obtaining the knowledge of the root of an existing issue or a problem to apply specific measures on the same appropriately. The process is made complete through a combination of various resources and techniques used by a researcher to approach the issue at hand. Before a research is conducted, different plans need to be regulated to know exactly what methods, materials, and tools will be applied. This paper aims to explain the research methods and the research methodology in a research project based on various questions.

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Research Methods and Their Application

Experiments: This type of a research involves taking particularly associated tests to measure the cognitive abilities among the researchers. The tests taken by the investigators are aimed at giving them the opportunities for their best consideration of the issue or the problem being researched about.

The Delphi method: This method is used by researchers to determine the range of opinions in various subjects from the study population relevant to the study. The objectives can be divided into different parts developed by the researcher.

Regression and correlation analysis: This type of a research method is mainly based on contrast and comparison between two or more issues at hand. Under this kind of the investigation process, there is a determination of the strength of the relationship in which two or more sets of data are involved.

Meta-Analysis: This type of a research method puts into consideration many different studies on various issues. Through a deep analysis and weighing of the studies, the average impact and result of the studies are released that enables researchers to maintain and observe every aspect of their education to make sure that their knowledge is accurate and of up to date.

Participant and non-participant observation: This method  includes studying different characters whereby in the first type the researcher becomes a part of the study population while in the second type the researcher studies the population from outside.

Questionnaires: This type of a research method is a more proficient way of researching about specific issues in the case where a big population is to be covered. They enable people to participate in the study at their own time. Furthermore, participants have the privacy and can state their view openly without any worries.

Interviews: a research under this method involves direct interaction between the researcher and the population of study concerning certain issues. It can be done face-to-face or over telephones depending on the distance. This method is mainly used in the order to receive specific results that would depend on the view and opinions of the people about specific issues on the ground.

Case studies: This is another research method which involves a detailed study on a certain situation, person or place. The study incorporates different methods of collecting data and provides accurate information to the urgent problem being considered.

Observational trials: This type of research method is mainly applied in the health researches. Health issues are studied in large groups of people under the natural setups over a given period depending on the researcher. The method is beneficial as it enables the health researchers to determine the link between one factor and another.

Surveys: It involves collecting information on a specific subject or issues over a large group of people. The data are later analyzed by the researcher based on defined characteristics.

Research Methods and Analysis Techniques

Research methods involve all ways that researchers use to obtain material for the study while analysis refers to the ways of incorporating these techniques in the process of conducting the research.

Research Methods and Research Methodology

Research methods are the methods that researchers uses to obtain the data required in their research whereas the research methodology is the umbrella philosophical and theoretical framework that gives the investigator the guidance. From the business point of view, a company may decide to research on the views of the people about their products through the use of the research methods including surveys, questionnaires, interviews and others. Under the research methodology, the same company has to decide on a broader framework and the types of the research methods to use for the collection of the information required.

Theoretical and Applied Methods

Theoretical methods: Theoretical means in research may include acquiring information from the public libraries. Information about specific issues and subjects that have been kept for long is always found in the public libraries. A researcher may also receive findings from the use of materials obtained from the internet, namely various sites concerning the issues at hand. Research may be based upon information published in academic journals; hence, the researcher may derive material from these journals as a source of data. Another type of theoretical research involves getting the required material from courtrooms. The researcher may attend court sessions and hearings and obtain the information required from the facts stated in different cases.

Applied methods: These methods involve the direct approach to the ground to acquire the necessary information. They include observations, where the researchers study a group of people to obtain the data they need. Interviews are also an applicable method, where the researcher interacts with the study population to acquire the information necessary. The researcher may also adopt questionnaires to a study population to receive data from them. The people handed the questionnaires are required to fill and give them back for analysis by the researcher. Another applied method is the use of surveys as a research method. In this case, the researcher focuses on a certain aspect in the field and conduct ways of obtaining data from the samples involved. Case studies are another applied method of a research, where the investigator examines a case, a person or a place based on various characteristics to obtain the required information.

Theory and Experiment

In theoretical researches, conclusions about certain issues are drawn from the existing information and observation on the same. On the other hand; an experiment will always conduct tests based on different features to determine the exact information required by the researcher.

Importance of Theory in Basic and Applied Research

Any investigation will always apply the use of principles through prediction and analyzing the data collected by the research. In basic and applied researches, theories are vital as they enable the researchers determine what might happen as well as what is supposed to be expected from the research based on the previous studies. The theories also maintain them staying in the sphere of interest while researching about certain issues.

Importance of Business Research

Before actualizing any business idea, it is crucial to conduct a thorough research about the business for the good of the business’ existence. Business research enables one to understand the possible risks of the business, namely one is able to identify the level of competition in the business location, and also it helps to define what can be done in order to make the business successful.

Question in investigation that forms market research

  • Who will pay for my services as a business?
  • Who and how many people have already accessed my staff?
  • Am I overestimating the limit I have?
  • What are the thoughts of my networks towards me?
  • Are the assumptions I am making based on my knowledge and personal experience?
  • How will I reap my revenue?
  • What strategy will I use to sell my products and deliver my services?
  • What is the background of my competitors?
  • How will I market to my customers?
  • Is my target market fixed or will I be able to expand in the future?

Among these questions, two of them, particularly about how I will market to my customers and the way I will be able to reap from the business, have already been solved as I have figured a way of marketing to attract the customers and enabling me to prompt the sales. One more question has been found in the application, concerning the expanding of the business in the future.

Interpretations of Business Research and the Outcome Research

Any investigation about business is supposed to be taken into consideration as practical findings obtained in the research would prove to be beneficial. The results ought to be interpreted appropriately to factor in all the required information. Studies show that 95% of the businesses that succeed in their operations are conducting researches about the same before creating the investment as a business. This enables the company to have all the background material about the market and the competitors involved.


Research conducted in any field is fundamental in every aspect as it helps to keep record and data about the same subject for future references by other parties. As shown by this paper, there are various methods of conducting research that differ in many aspects and terminologies. Researches on business are supposed to be well-interpreted to ensure that the business factors all the information that is necessary for the business’ operations.

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